Monday, June 11, 2012

Hi Family!

Hi everyone!

This week has been crazy, and good.  We had our zone meeting, and the zone leaders texted 5 minutes before and asked if I could give a training.... so that was fun.  I guess they usually have a few people give trainings, but turns out it was just me, and then the zone leaders gave their little spiel.  I feel like it went well though, and I had a lot of people tell me that they loved it.  That's always good!

I was really excited this week because President Perry was coming up from Richmond to speak in our ward.  My excitement died a little when I got called the night before to be a speaker also.  Yikes.  I guess it went well though cause president said that I sound like a missionary who has been out a year instead of one who just got here.  I love my mission president.  Hearing from him is always inspiring. 

Siri wrote me and told me she had her baby! I cried a little when I got her card... it made me so happy!  It was the best news I had all week! 

We spent a lot of time at the hospital this week because members have been in and out.  I don't like hospitals, but it has given me an opportunity to talk to a lot of people in waiting rooms and things like that.  Turns out I really like talking to people, and it's not that hard.  You just do it.  haha.  It's great!

Sis Wride and I got to play tennis this week!! I liked that.  She's pretty good too! I think we will try to do that more often.  We are so close to EMU (Eastern Mennonite University) and we walk down to the courts there.  We also use their library for emails and such.  I kinda like it!  I've never seen Mennonites before... it's like the cool thing to do here - be a Mennonite.  Weird.  We're workin on that!

Teaching the gospel is my favorite thing.  I can see in great reality how it blesses people's lives, and how it changes hearts.  I had a really neat experience this week. It really touched me.  Something I've found is that the Lord gives me answers to the questions I've been asking as I am out serving and teaching.  We have to ask - then go and do.  And some of these answers have come in the oddest times and places.  

I wrote a song!  The other missionaries cried when they heard it.  I attached pictures of the piano that takes up the whole kitchen!  Also, we sleep in our living room, and study in our bedrooms, and play piano in the kitchen.  It's weird... but it's good.  I've been able to learn lots of hymns lately and I like that!

I am out of time so I have to go.  But I love you all so much! Sorry I didn't get a chance to write everyone back, I'm hoping to have more time next week.  Dad updated me on uncle scott - I'm glad he's doing better.  I have been thinking of them a lot.  


sister Skousen 

1 comment:

  1. haha she is so cute! Love this girl! Sounds like she's doing so well! Hows the fam doin?!
