Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

Okay, so her letter came late today!  Weird!  Here it is:

Hi everyone!  I've officially arrived in Virginia.  It's great! I love it here.  We were picked up at the airport by President and Sister Perry, and they took us to stay at the mission home that night.  Sister Perry made us a really nice meal, and we were interviewed and had a little orientation.  The last part of the evening someone mentioned to President that we had a song to sing for him, so we went down to the piano and we played and sang the Savior, Redeemer Missionary Medley.  We sang it a few times as a district, and it was so great to get to play it for the mission president.  He said that he has never seen a district as unified as ours, and he has never had anyone come in and sing to him like that before.  It was AWESOME.  

Thursday we got up, had breakfast, and went to the transfer meeting where I found out I would be serving in Harrisonburg, and my companion is sister Wride.  I couldn't be happier!  She is great, and the area seems nice...

The first day I was here we were being picked up by a member to go on splits, and that member was Sister Lindsay Waters... who, most of the family has heard by now, is Sarah's old BFF from high school.  It only took half a minute to put it together.  She was like, "you aren't Nicole Skousen....are you?" and I looked at her and was all..."Lindsay??"  I remember hanging out with her and Sarah a bit back when they were in high school.  It was a total blast from the past, and a major coincidence/tender mercy.  So cool! 

A couple good parts and bad parts to last week: 

The good part is that we taught a lesson to one of our investigators, Elena, and set her for baptism on the 23rd.  I'm so excited for that.  And the bad part is that she's currently our only investigator.  We tried some street contacting at this festival commemorating the civil war - it was cool, there were a lot of people dressed up in period clothing, open markets, civil war reenactments, and there were even some doing the Virginia Reel (grandma...).  I talked to a lot of people there, but nobody was very interested.  Later that day, we went to this sleepy little place called Keezletown to contact some people, and  I got doors slammed in my face for the better part of the day, and I was even chased by dogs.  It was the worst.  Keezletown gives me the creeps, it seems like the kind of place you would film a horror movie.  

Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting, I got to bear my testimony.  I love any chance I have to do that!  We had Elena come to church and even bring a friend, and we also had some others we had gone around and invited show up, so attendance was pretty good.  

There is this less active lady that owns a place called A&T chicken that is super good, and she fed us for freeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  That was nice. 

Also, wanna hear something cool???? I member in the other ward is moving and asked if we could us a dresser.... or a piano.... cause if not he's gonna junk it.  So, WE ARE GETTING A PIANO TODAY!  Cool huh?! It's nothing short of a miracle.  Seriously! I'm so excited! The elders are getting it for me.  It was actually their idea... 

Other good news - my companion and I are studying Spanish.  That's fun. 

We have a ton of service activities set up for this week, kinda looking forward to that.  I hope people give us referrals! 

I attached some pictures, mostly of my district from the MTC.  I LOVE THEM! They are the best. There's also one of me and sister hawkes in there... she was in our zone and my MTC BFF.  

Anyways, to answer some of your questions, it's not too hot here, it's actually kinda nice.  The humidity hasn't been bugging me at all, but the spiders have...
I am really trying not to freak out.  No luck so far, but I'm working on it. :)

Well I'm out of time and I have to go, but I love you all so much!  Thanks for all you do for me, sending me things, prayers, etc etc.  They are felt and much needed.  Tell the fam to write me!  

My address is:

Sister Nicole Skousen
1721 Park Road Apt. D
Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Sister Skousen

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