Katie is still doing amazing, I just love her so much it's hard to even describe. I can't wait to see her make covenants that will bless her life forever.
I have been having some amazing studies lately, and I just can't get enough of the scriptures. They are so powerful. I have especially been studying the Book of Mormon in a way I have never done it before. So many people just don't understand it. So many toss it aside because they don't have time, because they don't realize what a remarkable book it is. I know that because "God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son..." He loved the world. Of course he had prophets and testaments on other continents and for other people. Some folks want proof - The Book of Mormon IS proof. All anybody has to do is read it. You cannot deny the power that flows into your life, the spiritual power that is real power. The promise contained within it invites "We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost." That includes everybody. Even members of the church. Even people who think they have been forgotten, people who don't know if God lives, and those who are certain he doesn't. It's to the active member, and everyone in between. It's an invitation to read, and a promise from our Heavenly Father that He will hear us AND answer our question. I always tell people, "The more specific the question, the more specific the answer" because that is how the Lord works. I was reading about the stripling warriors today, and it says (talking about the second battle they fought) in Alma 57 that "there one soul among them who had not received many wounds" but that it was miraculous that none of them had been slain. The Lord promises to be with us and to help us, but he never says we will escape unscathed, untried, or untested. From elder Holland's talk I sent last week, "beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing... if it was right when you prayed about it and trusted and lived for it... it is right now... Don't give up when the pressure mounts. Face your doubts. Master your fears. Cast not away therefore you confidence." Imagine if the 2,000 stripling warriors had retreated at the first battle wound, or when the Lamanite army, who was much more numerous, came upon them. The Lord delivered them, and he will deliver us. The Book of Mormon is the key. And we HAVE to have a testimony of it. Not only that, but we need to keep cultivating it and feeding it (Alma 32), which for me - means KEEPpraying about it and asking. Whenever there is a doubt, asking for the faith to overcome that doubt. I know the book of Mormon is, in fact, the word of God. And it will bring us more joy and more happiness than we can possible have without it, and bring us closer to a very real and loving father in heaven than anything else. If you haven't seen this lately, or even if you have, watch it again- I love it!
I hope you all have a great week. I know that the Lord watches over and protects his missionaries, and it's because you all are praying for our success and safety. It is needed. It is felt. Your prayers are heard and answered. So thank you for every petition to heaven for my benefit and for the benefit of those other missionaries in the field. I love you all! Don't forget to write me letters! :)
Sister Skousen
Hi, I'm not sure if it is Nicole or someone else that manages this blog, but my sister is actually going on a mission in two months! I heard the AMAZING arrangement on Youtube of Savior Redeemer of My Soul that Nicole did. I would absolutely LOVE to sing this at my twin's farewell! Sorry for the inconvenience, but would a copy be available?