Monday, January 28, 2013

Greenie meal....

January 21, 2013

Hi everybody! 

This has been quite a week.  We had stake conference and Elder Baxter of the 70 came to speak to us. It was an incredible conference. I learned a lot. That man knows God in a way that I want to know Him.   Our investigator Katie came to conference and elder Baxter met her, and he spent a good 5 minutes talking to her.  I am certain he possesses the spiritual gifts of discernment and prophecy.  I was so uplifted all weekend getting to learn at his feet!  Our Mission pres came too, and he told us that he was "told" by at least 15 people not to transfer us, on of who was the branch President who wrote a 3 page hand written letter to President Perry.  That made me feel like a million bucks! 

Elder Baxter talked about missionary work in Stake Conference, and then went on about sister missionaries, and how we were the best ones in the mission... and then asked where we were sitting, and had us stand up in front of everyone.  He said some things that were really amazing, that only inspire me more to live up to how he sees me. 

We had a member make us a greenie meal this week!  I didn't get one when I was a greenie, and sis Tarwater is still green sooooo they made us an all green breakfast meal.  It was good! 

This weeks email is pathetic, I'm going to put something good together for next week - I promise! 

I'm going to forward some pics in a separate email. Love you all.  Keep praying for me to be a good trainer... I sure need it. 

Sis Skousen

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